The Plan's strategic bit is divided into four sections:
- People (pages 5-7, objectives 1-11);
- Quality (pages 7-10, objectives 12-27);
- Community (page 11, objectives 28-31); and
- Resources (pages 11-12, objectives 32-37).
But every one of these sections could - should? - include specifically ecological objectives, apart from the purely social ones that are there now. Given the university's persistent marketing of itself as green, I'm puzzled why there's not even any gestures in this direction. After all, the recent Maclean's review featured exactly one UVic picture: of a laptop-carrying Environmental Studies student balanced atop two rocks in Mystic Vale, a photo provided by UVic Communications after they requested it from an ES faculty member. (I can't find it online, so you'll have to either trust me or check out the hard-copy version.)
And with this corporate exploitation of the ES program, its students, and the campus' ecology, you're telling me that there's no room in the Strategic Plan for environmental concerns?!?
So anyway, here are some possible changes.
People, for example:
- helping students understand their consumer footprint, both in this place and in principle for their future places of residence
- ensuring that alumni preparing to leave Victoria understand the principles that would allow them to fit into the ecological reality of their new places of residence
- helping faculty, most of whom are new to Victoria, learn the ecology of their new home and what they can do to work toward sustaining it.
- ensuring that objective 28 - on governance - requires the university to take ecological concerns into account with all its decisions, particularly those that affect the community outside Ring Road
- insisting in objectives 29 and 30 that the university adopt a leadership role on regional ecological literacy and the activism that should flow from it
- recognizing at objective 31 that the university has a responsibility to the ecological community of which it is a large and awkwardly shambling part.
At this point, the statements of vision, mission, and fundamental values are so utterly divorced from questions of ecology that ... no, I'll just say that they're divorced. You figure out what it means, and why I'm so unhappy about it.
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